HAN port information

The AMS meters have a HAN port (Home Area Network) where it is possible to connect external equipment, such as information display and smart home solutions.

Several electricity suppliers and other commercial suppliers offer equipment so that you can get a good overview of the electricity consumption in your own home. Føre AS does not offer such equipment.
Information about the HAN gate and suppliers

To open or close the HAN door, use the self-service solution My page

When a customer moves, the HAN door is automatically closed.

New prices from 01.07.2024

Due to increased costs for the overhead network and interest rates, Føre AS is forced to increase the price of network rent from 01.07.2024.

Compensation scheme for high electricity prices

New electricity support scheme from 01.09.23

Electric car and establishment of charging points

Always use an authorized installer when installing a charging point.