Bring people together

The future is green and it runs on electricity. This increases the need for more capacity on the power grid, so that everyone has the power they need. To serve the power grid of the future, we must both add more capacity and create new, innovative ways of using power. We bring together tradition and development, and create links between the current situation and the needs of the future.

Watch the film about Føre

As a result of legal requirements from NVE, the companies in Midt-Telemark Energi change their name. The network company changes its name to Føre AS. Use us if you are going to build a new house or make changes that require reinforcement of the electrical system? Or if you want to notify about trees that grow near power lines or want an offer to remove the mast and dig the power cable into the house? See what we do

Our network:

Master / Stolper
Web stations
Main transformer stations
0 km
0 km


New prices from 01.07.2024

Due to increased costs for the overhead network and interest rates, Føre AS is forced to increase the price of network rent from 01.07.2024.

Unchanged grid rent from the new year

Føre AS does not increase the grid rent from the new year, but a change in public taxes affects the total price.

Compensation scheme for high electricity prices

New electricity support scheme from 01.09.23

New prices 01.07.2023

The grid rent is reduced from 01.07.23.

We're here for you

As a customer, you have access to My page where you will find an overview of your invoices, your power consumption and what contact information we have registered about you. Here you can also change information, register how you want notification of a power failure, send a message to customer service, open the HAN port, register a meter reading or request a deferral of payment if you receive an invoice from us. Can not find what you are looking for?

Complete grid rental and delivery terms

Here you will find our prices for grid rent and delivery terms for both private households and Business. All prices are updated per 01.07.2024. 

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